40 Ahadith with short Stories
40 Ahadith with short Stories COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is specially designed for children. In which they will learn 40 stories having one Hadith. Sayings of the Holy Prophet ﷺ which accounts for His daily life is called Sunnah. …
40 Ahadith with short Stories
This course is specially designed for children. In which they will learn 40 stories having one Hadith.
Sayings of the Holy Prophet ﷺ which accounts for His daily life is called Sunnah. The routine life actions (Sunnah) of the Holy Prophet ﷺ in text form are called Hadith.
Islam has two primary sources for guidance; one is the Holy Quran (sayings of Allah Subhanahoo wata’ala) and the other one is Hadith.
There are three types of Hadith:
- Hadith e Qudsi: The Hadith in which statement is from Allah and the words from the Holy Prophet ﷺ.
- Hadith e Qouli: The statements of the Holy Prophet ﷺ.
- Hadith e Fe’eli: The actions of the Holy Prophet ﷺ.
In this course, students will learn the following stories with Ahadith.
- A Thorn
- The Coat
- The Mirror
- The ‘Meanie
- A Ghost
- A Neighbor in Paradise
- Tooth Medicine
- The Wallet
- The Poison
- The Belt
- Anger
- The Race
- The Gold
- The Thief
- The Morsel
- The Money
- The Mediator
- Hide and Seek
- Spoilsports
- The Cherry Tree
- The Brave Son
- The Kid
- The Talented Child
- The Plastic Plate
- The Fountain-Pen
- A Liar
- The Chestnut Tree
- The Echo
- Bread
- The Miser
- The Shoes
- The Car
- Smoke
- Sun-Dried Bricks
- The Guest
- The Woodsman
- The Bloody File
- The Dog
- The Yellow Cow
- The Birds
Virtues of Memorizing 40 Ahadith
There are various narrations on the virtue of memorizing and preserving forty hadiths.
Some of the narrations are as follows:
من حفظ على أمتي أربعين حديثاً من أمر دينه بعثه الله يوم القيامة فقيهاً عالماً
Translation: Whosoever memorizes and preserves for my people forty hadith relating to his religion, Allah will resurrect him on the Day of Judgment as a jurist and religious scholar. [narrated from Ibn `Abbās, Anas and Abu Hurairah رضي الله عنه]
من حفظ على أمتي أربعين حديثاً من السنّة حتّي يؤدّيها إليهم كنت له شفيعا أو شهيدا يوم القيامة
Translation: Whosoever memorizes and preserves for my people forty hadith relating to the sunnah and he conveys it to them, on the Day of Judgment I shall be an intercessor or a witness for him [narrated from Ibn Umar رضي الله عنه]
من نقل عني إلي من يلحقني من أمتي يربعين حديثا كتب في زمرة العلماء وحشر في جملة الشهداء
Translation: Whosoever transmits from me to my people who come after me forty hadith, he will be written in the company of religious scholars and he will be resurrected with the group of martyrs.
[narrated from Ibn `Umar رضي الله عنه]
من حفظ على أمتي أربعين حديثا من السنة كنت له شفيعا يوم القيامة
Translation: Whosoever memorizes and preserves for my people forty hadith relating to the sunnah, I will intercede on behalf of him on the Day of Judgement. [narrated from Ibn `Abbas رضي الله عنه]
من حفظ على أمتي أربعين حديثا ينفعهم الله عز وجل بها قيل له: ادخل من أي أبواب الجنة شئت
Translation: Whosoever memorizes and preserves for my people forty hadith by which Allah benefits them, It will be said to him: Enter by whichever of the doors of paradise you wish. [narrated from Ibn Mas`ūd رضي الله عنه]
من حفظ على أمتي أربعين حديثا من أمر دينها بعثه الله فقيها وكنت له يوم القيامة شافعا وشهيدا
Translation: Whosoever memorizes and preserves for my people forty hadith relating to their religion, Allah will resurrect him on the Day of Judgment a jurist and I shall be an intercessor and a witness for him. [narrated from Abū Dardā رضي الله عنه]
من حفظ على أمتي أربعين حديثا مما يحتاجون إليه من الحلال والحرام كتبه الله تعالى فقيها عالما
Translation: Whosoever memorizes and preserves for my people forty hadith relating to the halal and haram, the knowledge of which they require, Allah will resurrect him on the Day of Judgment a jurist and a religious scholar [narrated from Anas رضي الله عنه]
من ترك أربعين حديثا بعد موته فهو رفيقي في الجنة
Translation: Whosoever leaves (a legacy of) forty hadith after his death (for the people to benefit from), he will be my disciple in paradise. [narrated from Jābir ibn Samurah رضي الله عنه]
من حفظ على أمتي أربعين حديثا فيما ينفعهم من أمر دينهم بعث يوم القيامة من العلماء، وفضل العالم على العابد سبعين درجة، الله أعلم بما بين كل درجتين
Translation: Whosoever memorizes and preserves for my people forty hadith which will benefit them in regards to their religion, Allah will resurrect him on the Day of Judgment among the religious scholars. And the excellence of a religious scholar over a (non-scholar) worshipper is of seventy degrees. Allah knows best that which is between two degrees. [narrated from Abū Hurairah رضي الله عنه]
Although all the lines of transmission of these hadiths are weak, the narrations become strengthened when considered collectively and therefore they are accepted by many great scholars.
After doing this course, students will be able to tell these stories to their friends, which are filtered by ahadith lessons, InshaAllah.
Get this course in three different medium
- English
- Arabic
- Urdu/Hindi
CLICK HERE to match your availability with the available instructor and book the one-on-one or group class.
- Student should be at least 5 year old
- Book 20 sessions of 30 minutes
Target audiences
- Muslim Children