
Signs of Waqf (pauses) علامات الوقف in the Quran3 min read

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Signs of Waqf pauses علامات الوقف in the Quran

Signs of Waqf (pauses) علامات الوقف in the Quran


(O) Waqf-e-Taam or “perfect stop”:

This sign indicates the end of a verse. At this point, the meaning is complete and one should stop reading and take a breath before continuing. Originally, this sign was written as ۝, but is now simply indicated by a circle.


(م) Waqf-e-Laazim or “required stop”:

Must Stop – It is absolutely necessary to stop here. If one does not do so, the meaning will be changed drastically. A rough example in English would be to say: “Stand not! Sit!” as opposed to “Stand! Don’t sit!” In such a case the meaning has been changed to the opposite of what was intended.


(ط) Waqf-e-Mutlaq or “absolute stop”:

One should break one’s breath and voice before continuing. This differs from the ayah in that the full sentence has not been completed yet and there is something more to follow before the meaning is complete.


(ج) Waqf-e-Jaa’iz or “permissible stop”:

Go / Stop are equally good. OR you can say 50% chance to stop and 50% to continue.


(ز) Waqf-e-Mujawwaz:

It is better not to stop here.


(ص) Waqf-e-Murakh-khas or “licensed pause”:

One should continue reading at this sign but if one is tired and pauses to take a breath, it is also permissible. It is more desirable to continue at this sign than at (ز).


(صلے) Al-Wasl Awlaa or “continuing is preferable”:

Better to keep going. It is better to continue reciting here. OR you can say 30% chance to stop and 70% to continue.



Better to stop. OR you can say 70% chance to stop and 30% to continue.


(ق) Qeela ‘Alayhil-waqf:

It has been said that it is better not to stop here. This sign indicates differing opinions on whether

to stop or not.


(صل) Qad Yusal:

It is better to stop here but to continue is permissible.


(قف) Qif or “stop!”:

This sign is used where it is anticipated that the reciter might otherwise continue reading instead of stopping.


(سکته) Saktah or “silence”:

At this sign one should stop reading but not break the breath before continuing. There are four places in the Qur’aan where it is obligatory: in verses occurring in Surah Kahf, Yaaseen, Qiyaamah and Mutaffifeen.


(وقفه) Waqfah:

One should pause here longer than at a (سکته) again without breaking the breath.


(لا) Laa or “no!”:

Can’t Stop – One should absolutely not stop here because to do so would affect the meaning. If this sign occurs on top of an, it is still better not to stop but if one does so, the meaning will be all right.


(معانقة) Three dots like dots of (:.  :.) Mu’anaqah or “embracing stop”:

Stop at Either – These dot triples appear in pairs close to each other and indicate that a stop at the first makes a stop at the second prohibited because the meaning would become incomplete. Thus, one can stop at one or the other of these marks but not both.


 (وقف النبىﷺ) Waqf-un-Nabi (ﷺ):

Indicates places where the Prophet (ﷺ) paused.


(وقف غفران) Waqf Ghufraan:

It is said that if the reciter and listener make du’a when pausing at these places, it will be accepted.


(وقف منزل) Waqf manzil:

It is also known as waqf Jibra’il is where Jibrail (عليه السلام) paused at the time of revelation.


(٥) Five like sign:

Indicates a point where there are differing opinions as to whether it is the end of an ayah or not.


(ك) Kazaalik or “like that”:

One should apply the previous sign of waqf to this position as well.

JazakAllahu Khairan for reading. If you have found this information beneficial, please share it with your loved ones and friends. May Allah reward you abundantly for your efforts.

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Hassan Ali

I am an Islamic Scholar. I have expertise in Ahadith, Fiqh, Logics, and the Arabic language. I have a specialty in Islamic study and Islamic history. To get started with me, Book Now one-to-one Session, or let us know what do you like in the contact form.

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