
Who was Hazrat Khizr علیه السلام? Was he a prophet or not?3 min read

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Who was Hazrat Khizr علیه السلام Was he a prophet or not

Who was Hazrat Khizr علیه السلام? Was he a prophet or not?


What was the actual name of Hazrat Khizr علیه السلام, and why did the name “Khizr” become famous?

Various sayings are mentioned about the name of Hazrat Khizr علیه السلام. Some said: – “Baliya bin Malikan” is his name.

Someone mentioned “Imael bin Al-Nun.”

According to Muqatil, رحمه اللہ, is “یسع علیه السلام”

Question: –

Why did the name “Khizr علیه السلام” become famous?

Answer 1: –

Khizr means “head of vegetables and freshness.” That’s why he called “Khizr” because they used to sit on cut dry grass, and when they got up, it would turn green.

Answer 2: –

When they sat on or passed by the wet and barren ground, green grass would grow there.

Answer 3: –

Someone said that when he prayed, the surrounding area would become green.


Was Hazrat Khizr علیه السلام a prophet or not?

According to the public (Jamhoor) scholars: –

Hazrat Khizr علیه السلام was the Prophet of Allah, and he has also presented arguments to prove his prophethood, which are as follows:

First Argument: –

When Allah Ta’ala narrated the incident with Musa علیه السلام, it is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an: –

رَحْمَةًۭ مِّن رَّبِّكَ ۚ وَمَا فَعَلْتُهُۥ عَنْ أَمْرِى

That is, when Khizr علیه السلام during the journey with Musa (peace be upon him), did things like fixing a hole in a boat, straightening a wall, killing a boy, Musa علیه السلام was surprised, then Khizr علیه السلام said: –

Translation: –

A mercy from your Lord. I did not do it on my own accord. (18:82)

This proves that Hazrat Khizr علیه السلام was a prophet because this matter is worthy of the glory of the Prophet himself, and it is within the authority of the Prophet to act directly on the divine command without any intermediary.

Second Argument: –

It is recognized that a non-prophet cannot be more knowledgeable than a “prophet”. Although Allah Almighty said about Khizr علیه السلام:-

فَوَجَدَا عَبْدًۭا مِّنْ عِبَادِنَآ ءَاتَيْنَـٰهُ رَحْمَةًۭ مِّنْ عِندِنَا وَعَلَّمْنَـٰهُ مِن لَّدُنَّا عِلْمًۭا

Translation: –

Then they found one of Our servants whom We blessed with mercy from Us and whom We gave knowledge from Our own. (18:65)

It also came to know that he was a prophet, and Allah Ta’ala bestowed mercy and knowledge on him.

Third Argument: –

A prophet cannot follow a non-prophet, while Musa علیه السلام followed him on this journey by the command of Allah.

So, all these arguments proved that Khizr علیه السلام was a prophet.

According to some eminent scholars: –

Denying the prophethood of Hazrat Khizr علیه السلام is the first level of “Zanadaqah.” Because this view of Zanadaqah (the plural of Zandiq. And it is a misguided sect) is that “the saint gradually reaches the status of the prophet, and the saint is even better than the prophet.”

In other words, Khizr علیه السلام was a saint and was even better than the Prophet.

While this belief and ideology are entirely against the public scholars. Because no saint can be a “nabi,” nor can he be better than a prophet.


What was the prophethood of Hazrat Khizr علیه السلام?

According to public scholars: –

Hazrat Khizr علیه السلام was a “Takwaini prophet,” while Musa علیه السلام was a “legislative prophet.”

Takwaini Prophet: –

Such a prophecy in which the revelation of the inner commandments came to the Prophet from Allah Almighty, then such a prophet is called “Takwaini Prophet.”

Legislative Prophet: –

Prophets to whom the revelation of visible commands came.

So Hazrat Musa علیه السلام used to receive the revelation of visible commands, then he was surprised that Hazrat Khizr علیه السلام made a hole in the boat, killed a boy and straightened the wall, etc.

While Hazrat Khizr علیه السلام had the knowledge of internal affairs from Allah Ta’ala, then they came to know that the benefit of these boys was in making a hole in the boat, that the king would not take possession of the damaged vessel.

And that boy will grow up to be disobedient, and that wall was erected because the treasure of the righteous man’s two sons, who were still young, was buried in it. If the wall fell, people would seize their glory.

So, in this way, the knowledge of these inner commands was given by Allah Ta’ala, and he was the Prophet of Allah.

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