
Here’s How to Make Life Easier, Better, and More Productive3 min read

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Heres How to Make Life Easier Better and More Productive

Here’s How to Make Life Easier, Better, and More Productive

Have you ever had the feeling that your day just isn’t going well? Amiright? Or maybe it’s just us. Whatever it is, life can get pretty hectic and exhausting sometimes. But what if you could make it easier, better, and more productive? What if you could find hidden gems throughout your day that would really increase your productivity by up to 60%? Well, we have good news for you — it happens. There are a number of productivity tips out there that can help you get more done in less time and create a life that’s easier, better, and more productive. These hacks can help you cut down on waste (time spent waiting in lines) and save time (thinking up ideas). They can also make your day go smoother and make everything run more smoothly. Here are three simple tips to help you be more productive throughout the day:

Plan your day in advance

It’s easy to get overwhelmed on a daily basis. Not only are you trying to do too much, but you’re also not taking the time to plan out your day in advance. This can lead to a hectic schedule, unwanted interruptions, and a cluttered mind. When you plan your day out in advance, you can ruthlessly cut down on waste and stay focused on what really matters — which is how you’re spending your day. It’s also important to plan ahead for things like meetings, doctor’s appointments, and other commitments that may pop up during your day.


Make use of your smartphone

When you have a destination in mind, it’s much easier to stay focused. Whether it’s work or home, most tasks make sense to take place while you’re close to where you need to be. When you use your smartphone as your work diary, you’re taking a huge step towards productivity. Not only do you get to see what you need to do, but you can also take notes, schedule tasks, and look up information using the app on the go. One study found that participants who used their smartphone as their work diary were 26% more productive than those who did not. That’s a pretty significant productivity boost.


Turn off the screen

Most people I talk to love to social media. But studies show that constantly checking your phone causes you to be less productive. You’re keepers, people — not butterflies. Turn off your phone when you’re not in a social atmosphere, and try to keep it out of view when you’re doing productive tasks. This might mean storing it in your car or putting it in an Uber/Lyft car instead of the house. The point is — try. Your productivity will greatly improve.


Do less, but better

Here’s a productivity tip that’s easy to miss: do less, but better. This one’s pretty simple, but seriously, it’s what the experts do. When you do less but still do it well, you have an overall positive impact on your day. Tracking down every last bill, finishing up assignments, and doing all the dishes after your day’s work is done are all examples of doing less, but better. When you do less, you’re wasting less time. When you do better, you’re more productive — period. So, try these productivity hacks, but do less, but better.


Try these 4 productivity tips

Boosting your productivity isn’t a one-off task. It’s something you can continuously do. Here are four productivity tips that can help you be more productive each day.



Now, don’t get me wrong. There are plenty more hacks and tips that can help you be more productive. These three simple things will help you boost your productivity by as much as 60%. So, what are you waiting for? Get doing something productive today.

JazakAllahu Khairan for reading. If you have found this information beneficial, please share it with your loved ones and friends. May Allah reward you abundantly for your efforts.

Picture of Qasim Abdullah

Qasim Abdullah

I am an Organizational Development Consultant, Science (Physics||Mathematics), and the Holy Qur'an teacher. To get started with me, Book Now one-to-one Session, or let us know what do you like in the contact form.

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