(تحقيق/مجود) Tahqeeq/Mujawwad
Style of Qur’an Recitation.
(مرتل /ترتيل) Tarteel / Murattal
Style of Qur’an Recitation.
(حكم – أحكام) Hukum (plural: ahkaam)
(تحقيق/مجود) Tahqeeq/Mujawwad
Style of Qur’an Recitation.
(مرتل /ترتيل) Tarteel / Murattal
Style of Qur’an Recitation.
(حكم – أحكام) Hukum (plural: ahkaam)
Tafkheem: thickening or making heavy – giving the letter a
quality of heaviness by elevation of the tongue
Tarqeeq: thinning or lightening – giving the letter a quality
of lightness by lowering the tongue away from the
roof of the mouth
When people of any language speak, there are some places where they pause and some places where they do not break their words, depending on the meaning they wish to convey. The style of the Quran is such that there also places where one should either pause or continue reading.
This sign indicates the end of a verse. At this point, the meaning is complete and one should stop reading and take a breath before continuing. Originally, this sign was written as, but is now simply indicated by a circle.
There are four rules of Tajweed applied to the Noon sakin and Tanween. Izhar (making clear) – إظهار Idgham (merging) – إدغام Iqlab (changing) – اقلاب Ikhfa (hiding) – اخفاء
Rules of Meem sakin (میم ساکن) The Meem saakin (میم ساکن) has three possible rules: IKHFA (Hiding) – اخفاء IDGHAM (Merging) – ادغام IZHAR (Clear) – اظهار Definition of IKHFA: اخفاء If a Meem is followed immediately by a Baa and …
Characteristics of letters (الصفات الحروف) The second study on pronunciation is that of ṣifaat (singular: ṣifah (الصفة) meaning description, characteristic, attribute, or quality). Here the word ṣifaat (or ṣifah) refers to the special characteristics or qualities found in each …
Mistake (اللحن) It is defined as a mistake and deviation from correctness when reading. Its divisions: It is divided into two divisions which are: 1. Obvious and clear Mistake (لحن جلی ظاهر) It is a mistake that occurs …
Rules of Alif, Waw, Yaa ا و ي Madda letters When waw sakin is followed by Zammah (paish), it is wao maddah (واؤ مده). When Alif sakin is followed by Fat-ha (Zabar), it is Alif maddah (الف مده). When …
Pronunciation of Arabic Letters المخارج In the human body, the area of speech is divided into five main sections: al-jawf الجوف the interior or chest area al-ḥalq الحلقthe throat al-lisaan اللسانthe tongue ash-shafataan الشفَتَانthe lips al-khayshūm اْلخيشومthe nasal passage …
What is Tajweed? Tajweed means to adorn and beautify. In the context of the recitation of the Quraan Shareef, Tajweed refers to the correct pronunciation of the letters and applying the various rules of recitation. It is a set …
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