Surah Al-Ikhlas with English and Urdu translation
Summary of Surah Al-Ikhlas
Surah Al-Ikhlas is Makki, and it has four verses; this Surah discusses Islam’s fundamental belief, i.e., Tawheed. There are three types of monotheism:
- Tawheed e Raboobiyyat – means the Creator, Owner, and Sustainer of all things; they also acknowledge it.
- Tawheed al Wahiyyat – means that whoever worships, whether a prayer or a sacrifice, should do it only for Allah. The polytheists also used to worship other than Allah, even if their purpose was to get close to Allah, but this was shirk.
- Tawheed caste and names and attributes
This third type of monotheism is such that man has often stumbled into it; it proves the same knowledge, power, disposition, and hearing and sight for non-Allahs as, in reality, only for Allah. If considered, more emphasis is placed on this monotheism in Surah Ikhlas.