
There are two types of traders5 min read

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There are two types of traders

There are two types of traders

In a hadith the esteemed Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) advised

عَنْ أَبِي سَعِيدٍ قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ: «التَّاجِرُ الصَّدُوقُ الْأَمِينُ معَ النبِّيِينَ والصِّدِّيقينَ والشهداءِ» . رَوَاهُ التِّرْمِذِيّ وَالدَّارَقُطْنِيّ. وَرَوَاهُ ابْنُ مَاجَهْ عَنِ ابْنِ عُمَرَ. وَقَالَ التِّرْمِذِيّ: هَذَا حَدِيث غَرِيب

Aba Sa‘id reported God’s Messenger as saying, “The truthful and trusty merchant is associated with the prophets, the upright, and the martyrs.”
Tirmidhi, Darimi and Daraqutni transmitted it, and Ibn Majah transmitted it on the authority of Ibn ‘Umar. Tirmidhi said this is a gharib tradition.(Mishkat al-Masabih)

However, if a trader does not have the right intention within their business and does not care about what is lawful and unlawful, then concerning such a trader, contrary to the first hadith, the esteemed Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) advised in another hadith: (التجار يحشرون يوم القيامة فجارا الامن اتقي وبروصدق). It means that on the Day of Judgment, traders will be raised while they are categorized as “Fujjar.” The meaning of “Fujjar” is a sinner, disobedient, transgressor, and one who commits sins, except for those traders who possess piety, righteousness, and truthfulness. If these three conditions are not present, then that trader is included among the Fujjar (sinners). However, if these three conditions are present, then they are included among the righteous, the truthful, and the martyrs. Allah has bestowed such a position upon such traders. In any case, the first stage is the correctness of intention, and the second stage is the distinction between lawful and unlawful within their actions. It is not enough to be a Muslim until the limits of the mosque; after leaving the mosque, there should be a concern whether the business being conducted is in accordance with the commandments of Allah or not. There is no distinction between Muslims and non-Muslims at this second stage. If a non-Muslim is involved in a trade, then a Muslim is also engaged in trade. If a non-Muslim is involved in gambling, then a Muslim is also involved in gambling. If a Muslim trader possesses this aspect, then such a trader falls within the warning mentioned in the second hadith. And if this aspect is not present, then that trader deserves the glad tidings mentioned in the first hadith.

Qarun was given four instructions

as it has been guided:

وابتع فيما اتاك الله الدار الآخرة ولا تنس نصيبك من الدنيا واحسن كما احسن الله اليك ولا تبغ الفساد في الارض

Rather, seek the ˹reward˺ of the Hereafter by means of what Allah has granted you, without forgetting your share of this world. And be good ˹to others˺ as Allah has been good to you. Do not seek to spread corruption in the land, for Allah certainly does not like the corruptors.”(28:77)

These are the four instructions provided. First Instruction. The first instruction given is that whatever wealth Allah has granted you, use it to seek success and prosperity in the Hereafter. Second Instruction. It is not appropriate to exhaust all your wealth and not keep any worldly possessions while seeking success in the Hereafter. The portion of worldly possessions that Allah has allotted to you should not be neglected. Third Instruction. Just as Allah has shown kindness and bestowed wealth upon you, similarly, you should show kindness and goodness to others. Fourth Instruction. Do not spread corruption and unrest on earth by misusing the blessings of your wealth. Do not engage in activities that promote corruption in society. These four instructions are applicable to a trader, an industrialist, and any Muslim who has been granted any form of wealth by Allah in this world. They present a complete system of conduct. Now let’s look at the explanations of these instructions.

First Instruction:

The first instruction highlights the difference between a non-Muslim and a Muslim. A non-Muslim, who does not have faith in Allah, considers their wealth to be the result of their own effort and strength. On the other hand, a Muslim considers their wealth as a gift from Allah.

Second Instruction:

One might assume that Islam has prohibited our trade and instructed us to only focus on the Hereafter, neglecting worldly needs. To address this misconception, the Quran immediately provides the second instruction, which states. (ولا تنس نصيبك من الدنيا) That’s correct. Our purpose is not to completely abandon the world and sit idle. Instead, we should not forget our portion in this world and strive to adopt permissible and lawful means to fulfill our worldly needs.

Third Instruction:

Then, in the third statement, the guidance is given as follows: (واحسن كما احسن الله اليك) Meaning: Just as Allah has shown kindness to you by granting you wealth, you should also show kindness to others. This verse indicates that while distinguishing between what is lawful and unlawful, and refraining from acquiring wealth through unlawful means, one should not think that they are the sole owners of the wealth obtained through lawful means. Instead, they should use it as a means to show kindness and goodness to others. For acts of kindness, the doors of Zakat, charity, and good deeds are open.

Fourth Instruction:

In the fourth statement, the instruction is given as follows: (ولا تبع الفساد في الارض) Meaning: Do not spread corruption and unrest on the earth. This means that one should not harm others or infringe upon their rights in the pursuit of wealth. Do not wrongfully seize the rights of others. If you adhere to these four instructions, then your wealth, your capital, and your financial activities are blessed for you. You will be included in the list of prophets, truthful individuals, and martyrs. However, if you do not follow these instructions, then all your financial activities will be in vain, and the consequences of reward and punishment will be faced in the Hereafter.

تاجروں کی دو قسمیں ہیں


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I am an Islamic Scholar. I have expertise in Ahadith, Fiqh, Logics, and the Arabic language. I have a specialty in Islamic finance and Islamic study. To get started with me, Book Now one-to-one Session, or let us know what do you like in the contact form.

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