
Surah Al-Qadr with English and Urdu translation1 min read

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Surah Al-Qadr with English and Urdu translation



Summary of Surah Al-Qadr

It is Surah Al-Qadr Makki, and it has five verses; the beginning of this Surah mentions the great favor of Allah to mankind, which happened in the form of the revelation of the Book of Mubeen. The first virtue is that the worship of this one night is equal to the worship of a thousand months. The second virtue is that on this night, from sunset to dawn, angels descend with the message of peace, security, mercy, and blessings.

It should be noted that the revelation of the Qur’an in Laila-ul-Qadr means that its disclosure began that night.

سورة القدر کا خلاصہ

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Muhammad Sulaimaan

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