
Worship4 min read

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The meaning of worship

It is important to understand the literal and figurative meanings of ibadat. You know that worship is usually translated as ‘servitude.’ “Abd” in Arabic and “banda” in Persian means a slave (which was a common practice in earlier times). In this sense, worship or servitude means being a slave, and accepting slavery means obeying every order of the master with heart and soul, doing everything for the pleasure of your master. This gives rise to the meaning of worship and adoration in worship. From this comes the term meaning of worship, that is, to express one’s sincerity and humility with a specific fixed state and humility, the different methods of which are prevalent in every religion and nation.

You may find it strange to associate the concept of slavery with the meaning of worship. Slavery is a political as well as a social evil. Does Islam mean losing “freedom” and accepting slavery? Yes! But freedom from whom and slavery from whom? I think this too. There is no such thing as absolute freedom in the world. Here the release of each person to turn the stick ends at the limit, where the boundary of the other’s nose begins. In any human society (and you know that man is the “animal that cannot live without society”), can every man be given the freedom to do what he likes, then Bhatti! Freedom will have to be restricted, and you will also say bad things about freedom.

You have read and understood the meaning of (لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ) There is no god but Allah; we are not the servants and slaves of anyone other than Allah. This is the slavery that frees man from all other slavery. Otherwise, that person remains enslaved step by step, from place to place. From the very beginning, Islam recognizes humanity with honor and freedom. Slavery of Allah not only frees from external slavery but also internal slavery, such as desires.


Relation of worship to faith

You have noticed that in the meaning of worship, there is the meaning of “action” and “work.” You studied the basic tenets and beliefs of Islam in the first unit. This belief or faith automatically demands action from a person, but action is according to beliefs. There is an effect in truth and truth that when it enters the heart and mind, its effect is immediately manifested in action. If someone verbally confesses to accept the fact or to have faith, then the truth of his statement is whole that even if he is willing to fulfill the practical demands and requirements of this “truth” or “faith” 120/306, it is not worship, but faith. His confession is doubtful.


Importance of Islamic worship

In Islam, the first emphasis is on worship after the correctness of faith or belief. Ibadat is a practical form of direct contact and relationship with Allah, it is also a goal and objective in itself and a form of training to encourage adherence to the rest of the rules and regulations of Islam and to understand the spirit of these rules. There are also sources.

The Muslims of the first century were brought to heights by these beliefs and worship. Belief in Allah and connection with Him (through worship) made all difficulties disappear in their eyes. It became easier for them to make greater sacrifices and they became acquainted with the spirit of faith and worship. Their lives, their beliefs and the results of their worship were in a telling picture. He was neither indifferent to the world, nor heedless of the hereafter, he was also aware of the commandments of worship, their appearance and form, their status and character, and also the meaning, purpose and spirit and reality of worship.

Remember! The outward appearance of worship is as important as the inner aspect


Worship and the meaning of worship

Let us now look at the basic worship of Islam in the light of the Quran and Sunnah. Those prayers are:

And yes or no, we have called them “fundamental acts of worship” because obeying every order of Islam is worship, whether it is related to Allah or His servants. Instead, every act of a man living a complete Islamic life, even buying and selling, getting up, sitting, eating, drinking, writing, and reading, are all acts of worship. But the basis of a complete Islamic life, rather the practical basis, is these acts of worship. Until the foundation of the building is laid, which palaces will be built above? According to all Islamic religions, denying any of these four acts of worship is clear disbelief, and apostasy is the greatest sin and crime after disbelief. There is no difference between them.


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I am an Islamic Scholar. I have expertise in Ahadith, Fiqh, Logics, and the Arabic language. I have a specialty in Islamic finance and Islamic study. To get started with me, Book Now one-to-one Session, or let us know what do you like in the contact form.

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