Surah Ash-Sharh with English and Urdu translation
Summary of Surah Al-Inshrah
Surah Al-Inshrah: It is a description of the high rank and position of the Holy Prophet (ﷺ). He opened your blessed chest, and your back was getting heavy with the burden of the responsibilities of Prophethood, made it easy for you to take up the position from them, and combined your name with my name and exalted your mention. Hadith Qudsi It is “اینما ذکرت ذکرت معی” where I will be mentioned, and you will also be mentioned. While comforting the life of Makkah full of hardships and sufferings, he said that these sufferings and hardships would not last long. After the hardships, the period of convenience and ease will begin soon. After fulfilling your duties, take special time for your Lord.