
Why Making Friends is essential to social success4 min read

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Why Making Friends is essential to social success

Why Making Friends is essential to social success

Friends are one of the most essential and overlooked parts of cultivating good social habits. In a world where we are surrounded by information, there is so much we don’t know. It can be hard to remember to take care of ourselves and make time for our own friends. When you have a social media following of more than 1 billion people, it’s even more imperative that we cultivate good social habits. We have so many opportunities today to connect with others and be present in their presence. But what happens when these connections aren’t happening in person? What if you are looking for ways to increase your level of connection but don’t know where to begin? It can be hard to make new friends, especially when you already live in a place where most people seem to only have friends in common with them for a short period of time. However, keeping the people you already know close is never a bad idea. They can help remind you who you really are and show you how making new acquaintances on a daily basis isn’t as difficult as it may feel at first. If this Sounds like You – Here are some tips on why making friends is essential to social success:


Good friends make you feel better about yourself

As human beings, we are all striving to be better people. We are trying to improve our habits, learn new skills, and gain more self-awareness. But many people get stuck in the “loneliness” phase of this journey. When we feel lonely, we naturally feel self-conscious, which can make us feel even more alone. It is during this lonely phase that we are more likely to seek out new friends. When you have good friends, you feel more desirable. Your confidence is higher, which can boost the self-esteem of friends with similar experiences. You are more likely to take risks because you feel more comfortable in your own skin. You also have a better chance of making lasting friends in a place with a smaller population.


You need to spend time with your friends

It can be easy to forget about your friends when you are feeling down. However, your friends are there to help you succeed in life and in school. They are there to support you when you are feeling stuck and they are there to give you a boost when you are having a moment of pure happiness. Whether you spend time with your friends every day or not, spending time with them is always good for your mental health. It helps you decompress, relax, and feel less alone in the world. If you choose not to spend time with your friends, you are more likely to become lonely, depression, and stressed out.


Friends help you feel less alone

As humans, we are social creatures. We crave connections with others and the company of friends is one of the most important things we have. It can be hard to make new friends, especially when you already live in a place where most people seem to only have friends in common with them for a short period of time. However, keeping the people you already know close is never a bad idea. They can help remind you who you really are and show you how making new acquaintances on a daily basis isn’t as difficult as it may feel at first. When you have friends, you feel less lonely because you have someone to talk to. You are less likely to isolate yourself and more likely to seek out others who are in similar situations as you. When you have friends, you deal with situations much more calmly. You are less likely to get angry and you are generally more able to keep your cool when you need to. When you have friends, you learned to trust and respect others in a much more immediate way.


You build memories with your friends too

This may sound like a cliché, but it’s true! Making new friends is like adding another family member to the mix. You will likely spend time with your new friends during school breaks, summer holidays, and during your breaks from work or studies. These are the perfect times to make new friends and build memories with old ones. Your friends will likely become family to you in a short period of time. You will likely look back on these times in years to come and smile thinking about the laughs, the memories, and the friendships you formed.



Making friends is always a good idea, no matter what your age. There is nothing like the feeling of connectedness with other humans to make you feels happy, secure, and confident. Friends are incredibly important and can make or break your social life. The more time you spend with your friends, the more you will get to know them and the easier it will be for you to make new friends. If you are feeling lonely or cut off from human connection, it is important to remember to make time for your friends. They will make you feel happy, less stressed, and more confident!

JazakAllahu Khairan for reading. If you have found this information beneficial, please share it with your loved ones and friends. May Allah reward you abundantly for your efforts.

Picture of Qasim Abdullah

Qasim Abdullah

I am an Organizational Development Consultant, Science (Physics||Mathematics), and the Holy Qur'an teacher. To get started with me, Book Now one-to-one Session, or let us know what do you like in the contact form.

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