
The Importance and Grandeur of Noble Character7 min read

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The Importance and Grandeur of Noble Character

The Importance and Grandeur of Noble Character

What is human ethics, and what is their importance in life? This issue is among the fundamental questions of life. The significance and importance of ethics can be succinctly expressed as follows: Ethics is, in fact, the name of the way, taste, and pattern of life, and the determination of this way and the acquisition of this taste and pattern are, in fact, the real subject of ethics.

It is also clear in its own place that ethics and the philosophy of ethics have a deep connection with the individual’s conception of life. The material conception of life suggests a different philosophy of ethics and a separate system of ethics, while the spiritual conception of life necessitates the formation of a completely different system under its own philosophy of ethics.

The ethics of a human being from the perspective of Islam

According to Islam, the creation of this universe and mankind has been done by Allah Almighty, and the purpose of this creation is to test humanity. This test involves whether a person demonstrates good deeds or bad deeds during their temporary life on Earth. Good deeds are rewarded with eternal blessings in the afterlife, while bad deeds result in everlasting punishment.

The core ethical dilemma in Islam revolves around the concept of life’s purpose and the manner in which an individual adopts a lifestyle that aligns with their life’s goal. It is crucial for a person to choose a way of life that assists them in achieving their life’s purpose and to avoid behaviors and actions that hinder the fulfillment of that purpose.

Upon closer examination, it becomes evident that humans construct their personalities through the entirety of their life experiences. Every thought and action essentially contributes to the construction of an ethical framework that shapes their character. By observing the qualities and actions within this character, one can assess whether the foundation is built upon good deeds or bad deeds.

To determine a person’s standing in the afterlife, it is essential to scrutinize the character they have constructed. This character signifies not a worldly status or position, but rather their ethical status, which they have built throughout their life in this material world. Some verses in the Holy Quran indicate that on the Day of Judgment, each person will rise with the character they have developed during their worldly existence. This character does not pertain to a person’s materialistic standing in this world but rather their ethical standing, which they have upheld throughout their life.

Therefore, it is necessary for each person to contemplate how they are constructing the edifice of their character through their thoughts and actions in this world. To achieve this purpose, it is crucial to develop an understanding of noble ethics and consciousness and to strive to manifest them within one’s character. By doing so, one can remain vigilant against negative moral attributes and actively avoid them.

Religion and Ethics

As previously mentioned, ethics is essentially the name of one’s way of life, taste, and character. The true purpose of education and upbringing is, in fact, the real essence of religion, which means making a person aware of the purpose of life, enlightening them about their needs, and making them capable of achieving those needs. Therefore, according to our perspective, real ethics are those that have been obtained through religious education and guidance. We need the same taste and character in life that God has taught us through His messenger, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). The Noble Prophet (ﷺ) while explaining the purpose of his mission said: “I have been sent to perfect noble character.”

The Prophet (ﷺ) also testified about good ethics in the Quran when he said: “Indeed, you are of a great moral character.”

In the light of these commandments, it is now incumbent upon each of us to see only how the Prophet (ﷺ) has taught us which good ethics, and from which bad ethics he has urged us to refrain, so that the divine principles and standards of human ethical reform and civilization can be clearly seen before us.

What is the beauty of character?

Hazrat Nawaz bin Samaan, Hazrat Abu Huraira (رضي الله عنه) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘Good character is the essence of goodness, and sin is that which disturbs your heart and you dislike people to be aware of it.’

Hazrat Abu Huraira (رضي الله عنه) reported: A person asked the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), ‘What is the deed which will make me enter Paradise frequently and avoid the Hellfire?’ The Prophet (ﷺ) replied, ‘Fear Allah and have good character.’ He then asked, ‘What is the deed which will make me enter Paradise frequently and avoid the Hellfire?’ The Prophet (ﷺ) replied, ‘Guard your tongue and maintain your chastity.’ [Tirmidhi]

Hazrat Abu Huraira (رضي الله عنه) also reported that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘The believers who have the most perfect faith are those who have the best character.’ [Tirmidhi]

From the above guidance, it is evident that the purity of character and the excellence of conduct are indeed the fruits of a strong faith and fear of Allah. Without faith, the purity of character and excellence of conduct, along with the fear of Allah, are meaningless. It is through this good character that a believer attains the great blessing of a tranquil heart, and it is this tranquility that bestows upon him the honor of a righteous conduct and character. After this, no temptation from the self, no instigation from Satan, no allure of this world, and no fear of falsehood can divert him from the straight path.

A believer who demonstrates the greatness and integrity of character in every aspect of life becomes a symbol of love and compassion among the people of faith. His speech, his posture, his behavior, and his harmonious interactions reflect a unique form of beauty and grace. In the Quran, the status of the companions of the Prophet (ﷺ) is described as follows: ‘They are stern against the disbelievers, yet compassionate among themselves.’ [Al-Fath]

The aforementioned clarifications suffice as reasons for the fact that all forms of goodness and ethical greatness are, in reality, the appreciation of good character.

The exemplary morals taught by Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ)

Meeting with a smiling face and initiating a conversation with a greeting is of fundamental importance in the ethical teachings of Islam. It is a principle of great significance that no act of kindness is insignificant, regardless of how it may appear outwardly, and no act of wrongdoing is ordinary, no matter how seemingly minor it may be. This is the noble guidance of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ):

“Do not consider any act of kindness as insignificant, even if it is just to meet your brother with a cheerful face.” (Muslim)

Similarly, the command to begin meetings and conversations with greetings was given, and it was said:

“Spread greetings among yourselves.” (Muslim)

This means that whenever believers meet, they should greet each other with the blessings and prayers of Allah for each other’s well-being, and this is the starting point of good social conduct. Many relationships are strained or come to an end due to a lack of these ethical virtues within individuals or a reluctance to demonstrate them. Since the people of faith are a community that places extraordinary importance on their mutual organization and stability, even casual meetings and everyday conversations were emphasized to be conducted with a special decorum and propriety. While significant guidance was given for the endurance of pleasant relationships, even this apparently small teaching was not overlooked, as it is essential for the official interaction of the people of faith to reflect their qualities and dignity.

اخلاق حسنہ کی اہمیت و عظمت

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Senior Saleha

I am an Islamic Scholar. I have expertise in Ahadith, Fiqh, Logics, and the Arabic language. I have a specialty in Islamic history and Geography. To get started with me, Book Now one-to-one Session, or let us know what do you like in the contact form.

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