
Etiquettes of Acceptance of Prayer8 min read

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Etiquettes of Acceptance of Prayer

Etiquettes of Acceptance of Prayer

Prayer is a great blessing and a priceless gift. In this world, no person, in any condition, can be independent of prayer. Prayer is a form of worship to Allah Almighty. It is a distinguished attribute among the praiseworthy qualities of Allah’s pious servants and the prophets (علیہم السلام). Prayer is the most honorable gift in the exalted court of Allah Almighty. The Prophet of Allah (ﷺ) said:

وَلَهُ مِنْ حَدِيثِ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ رَفَعَهُ: { لَيْسَ شَيْءٌ أَكْرَمَ عَلَى اَللَّهِ مِنَ الدُّعَاءِ } وَصَحَّحَهُ اِبْنُ حِبَّانَ, وَالْحَاكِمُ‏

Abu Hurairah (RAA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Nothing is more honorable before Allah than supplication.” Related by At-Tirmidhi with a full chain of narrators. (Bulugh al-Maram)

Certainly, prayer is a believer’s weapon, a key to the unseen treasures of the Gracious Lord. Prayer is a very important treasure for the believer, the essence of worship. However, its reality is not comprehended by the rationalists. The profound and significant connection to the unseen treasures of Allah Almighty is through prayer, which has various forms of acceptance. Sometimes one receives exactly what they prayed for, or even better, the best alternative. If not accepted as is, it’s because Allah Almighty is Wise, and none of His actions are devoid of wisdom, and He is well aware of the human end.

Therefore, through prayer, either a calamity is averted, or it is preserved as a reward in the hereafter for the believer. However, rationalist minds do not cease to mock the diverse forms of prayer’s acceptance. They should understand that results emerge from sincere efforts and prayer that are not expected from a rational standpoint.

The etiquettes of prayer’s acceptance include that a person should follow the ways of Allah and obey Him, engage in extensive worship, adopt the path of righteousness and piety. Indeed, in prayer, piety holds great significance.

There are numerous obstacles in the acceptance of prayer, for example, consuming haram food, drinking haram beverages, and adorning oneself with haram clothing. Similarly, the following are some etiquettes for the acceptance of prayer:

Sincerity means that supplication should be made only to Allah

All the earth and the heavens are deserving of worship only and only Allah, so it is necessary to dedicate all kinds of worship purely for Allah alone. As clarified before, supplication (dua) is also a part of worship, in fact, it is the most important form of worship. Therefore, supplication should only be made to Allah alone, and complete avoidance should be observed from invoking anyone other than Allah in supplication. Even when making supplication to Allah, special attention and commitment should be given to ensure that it does not contain expressions or words that imply seeking assistance from anyone other than Allah.

Guidance is in the Quran Kareem

Translation: Keep calling upon Allah, purifying your religion for Him, even though the disbelievers may detest it.

Likewise, it is instructed: And remember that the mosques are solely for Allah, so do not invoke anyone along with Allah. Another guidance is that, leaving Allah aside, do not invoke anything that can neither benefit you nor harm you. If you do so, you will indeed become one of the wrongdoers.

The guidance of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) is: When you ask for anything, ask only from Allah. And when you seek help, seek help only from Allah. Heartfelt Remembrance: For the acceptance of supplication, “Heartfelt Remembrance” is extremely important. This means that it should not be the case that a person, during supplication, keeps on repeating sentences or words with a distracted mind, but rather, as part of the etiquette of supplication, it should include the following: Also, for the acceptance of supplication, it is a necessary condition that a person, to the best of their ability, should pray with full attention, devotion, humility, and submission, and should engage in supplication with a focused and attentive heart.

The guidance of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) is: Understand well that Allah does not accept supplications that are made in a state of negligence and inattention. Therefore, complete attention and effort in “Heartfelt Remembrance” during supplication is extremely necessary and obligatory.

Good Opinion

When praying, it is important to have a positive expectation of acceptance from Allah Almighty and to believe that supplication is beneficial for a believer regardless of whether it is accepted in the form requested or not. Prayer is always a means of goodness and blessings, and its benefits are certain.

The guidance of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is as follows: Whenever a Muslim prays to Allah Almighty on this earth, Allah certainly grants him what he has asked for or removes some calamity from him, provided that the supplication is not for a sinful purpose or to sever family ties. In other words, whenever a person prays to Allah and the prayer is not for an unlawful purpose or to cut off family ties, such a prayer is definitely accepted in the court of Allah. However, the ways in which it is accepted may vary. If the purpose for which a person is praying is not beneficial for him in the knowledge of Allah, then that thing will not be granted to him. Nevertheless, it will not be deprived of the blessings and goodness of prayer. Therefore, it will be dealt with in such a way that the calamity written in a person’s destiny will be replaced by the blessings and goodness of that prayer. In reality, how great is the generosity of Allah, Who does not grant a person something that is harmful for him, which Allah knows in advance, but instead, He bestows such blessings upon him through that prayer that any loss or calamity written in his destiny is removed through that prayer. In fact, Allah’s favor and mercy upon a person are so great that Allah does not grant a person something that is harmful for him, which Allah knows in advance. However, He bestows such blessings upon him through that prayer that any loss or calamity written in his destiny is removed through that prayer.

In summary, when a person prays to Allah sincerely and the prayer is not for sinful purposes or to harm others, it is guaranteed that the prayer will be accepted in some form. Allah’s wisdom and knowledge ensure that what is best for the person will be granted, and any potential harm or calamity will be averted through the blessings of that prayer. Allah’s generosity and mercy are immense, and He always acts in the best interest of His believers.

Avoiding haste

One should not rush and be impatient when it comes to the acceptance of prayers; instead, one should have faith and certainty that Allah Almighty is indeed extremely Merciful and Generous. His knowledge is perfect, and He knows what is beneficial and harmful for His servants. Knowledge of these matters even surpasses the knowledge of the individual. Therefore, a person’s mindset should be that my task is simply to continuously beseech the Merciful Lord. Whatever is best for me will indeed come to pass.

Regardless of the form of the prayer and its visible outcome, supplication is not just an act of worship of Allah Almighty; it is the most important worship and a source of goodness and blessings in any case.

The guidance of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) emphasizes: When a person prays and supplicates, their prayer is accepted. They should not be hasty and should not say that they prayed but their prayer was not accepted.

For every Muslim, it is imperative to contemplate the meaning and significance of this Hadith. When a person, in their own words, says that they prayed but their prayer was not accepted, they are committing a grave injustice against themselves. This is because, in this way, they have permanently closed the door to the acceptance of their prayers. Therefore, avoiding such a mindset is extremely important.

The Provision of Halal Sustenance

To achieve the acceptance of prayers, it is essential to ensure the provision of lawful sustenance (Rizq-e-Halal) and maintain commitment to it. Complete avoidance of all prohibited means of income, such as usury, bribery, dishonesty, deceit, and encroaching upon the rights of others, is highly necessary.

The guidance of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) emphasizes: “Make your food pure and lawful (Halal), and as a result, your supplications will be answered.” This means that your prayers will be accepted when you consume pure and lawful sustenance.

Regarding earning through prohibited means, the Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet) states: “When a person consumes a morsel of unlawful (Haram) food, no act of worship is accepted from them for forty days, and for such a person, the Hellfire is a better destination.”

Similarly, the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) recited a few verses from the Quran that emphasize the importance of maintaining lawful sustenance. Afterward, he stated: “Sometimes, a person who has endured the hardships of a long journey, with disheveled hair and dust-covered body, raises both hands towards the sky and prays, ‘O my Lord, O my Lord!’ But how can such a person’s supplication be accepted when their food, drink, and clothing are all acquired through prohibited means?”

In essence, even though this person appears destitute and in dire need, and their plea is filled with humility and desperation, it should have been accepted immediately in the court of the Most Merciful. However, it is not accepted due to their consumption of Haram (prohibited) food, drink, clothing, and other means.

May Allah (God) accept your prayers and include us in the prayers of His righteous servants.

آدابِ قبولیتِ دعا

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Senior Saleha

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