How to spend Ramadan Mubarak?
The blessed month of Ramadan is approaching, inshaAllah
اللهم بارك لَنَا فِي شَعْبَانَ وَيَلْغْنَا رَمَضَانَ
The entire month of Ramadan is one of worship and mercy. Its days are blessed, its nights illuminated, and every moment of it is precious. Therefore, as believers enter this month, they experience a special quality of faith. The virtues of restraint, humility, and caution are such that upon breaking their fast, individuals do not rush towards fulfilling their desires, lest they unleash the genie of sin and evil deeds.
Table of Contents
ToggleAdab ihitiyaat aur aajzi se rahain
Ramadan, the month of burning sins, the month of defeating devils, the month of the descent of mercy, blessings, and forgiveness, the month of the Quran, the month of striving, the month of Badr, and the month of fasting. Subhan Allah! May Allah (SWT) make it blessed for all of us and bestow upon us abundant blessings, mercy, and forgiveness. How can we make Ramadan valuable? What deeds should be increased? What should be avoided?
One should avoid taking unnecessary risks
Human nature and Satan tend to lead one astray. The true essence of Ramadan is sacrifice, meaning to eat less, drink less, sleep less, spend less, and engage in a greater struggle. However, Satan has misled people into believing that Ramadan means to eat extravagantly until one’s stomach is full, drink excessively until one is bloated, sleep luxuriously until the bed becomes cramped, and earn abundantly so that one must sit amidst the corruption of the market at all times.
Enhance some tasks
In the blessed month of Ramadan, more effort should be put into worship than ordinary days, and this effort should be such that it tires a person. The cycle of exertion should continue from the first moments of Ramadan until the setting of the sun on the last day. Therefore, efforts should be intensified immediately. Here are some actions to prioritize:
1. Prayer (Salah): This involves ensuring the proper observance of obligatory prayers and increasing the voluntary prayers. Taraweeh prayers are a great blessing in Ramadan, and no Muslim should deprive themselves of this blessing. Additionally, special attention should be given to Tahajjud prayers.
2. Recitation of the Quran (Tilawat): Recite a minimum of three Juz’ (sections) of the Quran and as much as possible beyond that.
3. Charity (Sadaqat): Be generous in giving charity, spend wealth generously, and make sure to provide iftar and food to Muslims who are facing enemies of Islam or are compelled to migrate from their homes.
4. Jihad: Ramadan is the month of Jihad. The Battle of Badr occurred in this month. Therefore, every memory of the Battle of Badr should be refreshed. Sacrifice of life and wealth for the cause of Jihad should be emphasized. This could involve supporting the Mujahideen in fulfilling their needs or any other task related to Jihad.
5. Concern for the Hereafter (Akhirah): We are not meant to stay in this world forever; the real life is the life of the Hereafter. This concern and belief are necessary for the rectification of a person. There should be extensive self-accountability and reflection. When the focus shifts from trivial matters like building castles of sand, accumulating wealth, and seeking dignity in this world, then salvation from the punishment of this world and sincerity in actions will be achieved. These five tasks should be increased, but it should be remembered that the essence of every action lies in sincerity and remembrance of Allah. That is, every action should be done for the sake of Allah’s pleasure, and every action should be filled with the remembrance and light of Allah for it to be accepted.
Please suspend some tasks
1. It is important to protect your eyesight, otherwise obtaining the blessed light of Ramadan can become difficult.
2. Completely turn off the TV, no news or anything else.
3. Refrain from attending sinful gatherings, those gatherings where indecent discussions, backbiting, and lies prevail; cease sitting in such gatherings.
Reduce some tasks
Eating, sleeping, seeking permissible pleasures, conversing, and reading worldly newspapers and messages should all be reduced from our daily routines.
Daily Reflection
Every day, after performing the obligatory prayers, recite two units of voluntary prayer and supplicate: ‘O Allah, make this blessed Ramadan a month of mercy, forgiveness, salvation from hellfire, and well-being for us. Include us among those whom Your grace encompasses, those who have been forgiven. Grant us Your protection and refuge, including us among those who attain Ramadan but do not receive forgiveness.
Protection of the Last Ten Days
The last ten days of Ramadan are highly valuable. It’s not necessary to buy a new outfit for Eid, and the joy of Eid can be fully experienced even without new shoes. Wasting the last ten days of Ramadan in markets is regrettable. Therefore, in whatever way possible, efforts should be made to preserve and cherish these last ten days, making them precious. Unfortunately, the trend among Muslims to sacrifice their true happiness in the name of Eid shopping has become common. This Ramadan might be our last Ramadan, so let’s make it valuable, let’s nurture it.
Abundance of Four Deeds
Some narrations suggest that the Noble Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) encouraged an increase in four actions during the blessed month of Ramadan. He (صلى الله عليه وسلم) advised, “In this month, increase in performing four actions. Among them, two are such that through them, you will attain the pleasure of your Lord, and two are such that you cannot afford to be without. Those two actions which will gain you the pleasure of Allah (تعالی) are:
1. Constantly reciting the declaration of faith: “There is no god but Allah.”
2. Seeking forgiveness from Allah (i.e., engaging in Istighfar).
And those two actions which you cannot afford to be without are:
1. Asking for Paradise.
2. Seeking refuge from Hellfire.
In Ramadan, if you recite the declaration of faith (Kalimah) twenty-five times daily, then within these thirty days, you will complete the quota of seventy thousand words. In fact, it might even exceed this amount. Many of Allah’s devotees have prescribed the recitation of seventy thousand words for seeking forgiveness as a highly effective act. Moreover, in Ramadan, the reward for every action is multiplied seventy times over. It’s not necessary to confine yourself to regular prayers; rather, one should make it a habit to engage in constant remembrance and sending blessings upon the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم), whether while walking, eating, drinking, or performing any task.
Similarly, making Istighfar (seeking forgiveness) a daily practice of three hundred times is advisable. Hazrat Gangohi (رضي الله عنه) mentioned that the practice of making something habitual begins with three hundred. Also, the supplication for boarding Paradise and seeking refuge from Hellfire should be made one hundred times each.
Likewise, having a sincere intention and fulfilling the conditions properly is essential for every fast. There are numerous conditions to restrain the soul; hence, a person can truly be considered a genuine fasting observer only when they refrain from satisfying their stomach, safeguard their eyes from lustful glances, restrain their tongues from indecent and futile talk, and keep their bodies safe from worldly indulgence and disobedience to Shariah. This is because the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) advised someone, “When you fast, it is essential that your ears, eyes, tongue, hands, and every limb fasts as well.” Additionally, many fasting observers are those who remain hungry and thirsty due to fasting, but they obtain nothing except hunger and thirst.
Avoid iftar parties
In the blessed month of Ramadan, there is a trap of Satan, which are heedless Iftar parties. In these parties, the eagerness for food is futile gossip and wasting precious time. Neither should you invite anyone to a party nor attend anyone else’s party. However, if there is a religious gathering, you can participate in it. Inviting for Iftar is a very virtuous act. To attain this virtue, send Iftar to the houses of the poor, the heirs of martyrs, the scholars of religion, and the servants of the mosques. Send Iftar and food to the Mujahideen and migrants. If you invite someone for Iftar, organize teachings of virtues and the virtues of Jihad. Do not compete with each other in invitations, rather make your time valuable and send food for Iftar.